In the everlasting quest of man to find the meaning of life and the reason for their existence, man has resulted to many things to find out the one question that has boggled the minds of everyone from the intellectual to the commoner: Why do we exist? This question has indeed boggled the minds of people to a point where it has branched into its own philosophical thinking, existentialism.
Amidst all the philosophical knowledge and existential arguments that took place in history, I am sure that these positions and arguments have not answered the real reason we exist.
I have an answer.
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21
This one verse encapsulates the whole essence of existence.
To know Christ is life. John Wesley's notes on this verse has the following words: To me to live is Christ - to know, to love, to follow Christ, is my life, my glory, my joy. John Wesley's joy is found in knowing, loving, and following Christ. This, my friends, is the meaning of life. This is the essence. This is the reason we live.
You should read Kierkegaard; you might agree with his Christian existentialist views.