"Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see."
Tears started rolling down my eyes. It was evident. God has caused us to realize the importance of fulfilling His command. As we continued to worship that Sunday morning, it became clearer and clearer that God's love and grace is indeed amazing.
A week before that Sunday, I would not have realized the faithfulness of God to the point that I will just stop and cry because of the joy of being in Him and in His service. A week before that Sunday, I was just excited to see how the missionaries do their work in the field and how they managed to hang on even after a tough spiritual battle that will often pull you down to your lowest. All that changed the moment we met Kuya Buboy and heard his story. Kuya Buboy is going through a tough time as a part of their team resigned from their organization. Doing so left Kuya Buboy and Ate Barbs as the only two people in the team. As he was telling their story, we were going around the areas where we will do ministry. Each place was far from the other. This is where it struck me. The mere fact that you have to travel almost everyday to these different places will tire you out easily. It was apparent that only God can sustain a couple who were probably burned out by the overwhelming task at hand. But God works in ways we do not understand. He is faithful. He will provide the strength that we lack.
Our ministry was supposed to be handled in 4 areas. We are supposed to hold Daily Vacation Bible Schools in all 4 of the areas. We decided otherwise. We decided to merge it into 2 big groups so we can have ample time to prepare for the next group.
And so it was. The first area was a farm area. A lot of kids attended. Most of which have never experienced something like this. Some thought we are giving medical missions or free school supplies. I am on the belief that nothing happens by accident. God provided them a way there to allow them to experience Christian fellowship and to experience joy.
The second area was held in the town gym where the GGC SMIA previously held their evangelistic basketball clinic. The area was suprisingly filled with kids as well. The first encounter we had was with the girls boxing team. All of them are amateurs, but they are lightning quick as I had personally seen in their sparring. As I was chatting with Kuya Buboy later, I realized that these kids give their time and energy focusing on boxing to have a chance to probably be like Manny Pacquiao. But we all know that the odds are always against them. They fight in town fiestas where the winner will win a measly Php 100. A small sum, I must say. Considering you work so hard and beat your body up just to have Php 100 or nothing.
The moment we stepped into these areas. I realized that we are not there just to know about our missionaries but to be missionaries ourselves. Each day was filled with new challenges. Challenges that, I can say, were experienced by Kuya Buboy and Ate Barbs as well. I learned more about the kids as the days passed. There were kids who were just fine, the were kids who cannot embrace the love of their father, and there were kids who cannot experience the love of both of their parents. Seeing these kids happy even for just that moment allowed me to have a greater appreciation for the things I have. My heart melted even more when the kids were finally open to us. Talking with us. Following us around, and doing normal things you would have expected from close friends. I really saw first-hand how God worked in His ministry. From the lives of the missionaries, to the lives of the kids, and to our lives.
Sunday was the day of our worship. We worshiped by ourselves. We sang songs and Kuya Buboy shared his own testimony. Powerful. That's the word I can use to describe his testimony. Kuya Buboy is a good and faithful servant indeed. Praise God!
Wonderful isn't it? God's amazing grace has been evident all through out history. We just do not allow ourselves to realize it. Praise God for His marvelous work!
*Note that I did not put any statistics as to how many we were during the trip. This is to emphasize that it is only God who works in us; and it is not only us, mere humans, who do the work.*
This testimony is also written very late, considering that we did the short term ministry from May 17-25, 2010. sorry...
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