Saturday, December 3, 2011

1/3 of the Time Rule

Have you heard of the "1/3 of the time rule"? Let me walk you through. When you have a 90 minute class, the class professor should arrive in 30 minutes or else the class has a free cut.

This rule is famous (as well as infamous) in college levels as professors race against time to get to class before their "1/3 of the time" ends. The pace is frantic. You will be amazed at how "on the dot" professors are. This is better than the Olympics.

As a student/spectator, your nerves spike to an all time high as the minute hand of the clock approaches the "free cut" mark. Your heart pounds faster. You feel cold. Just like watching a race, only better. Emotions run higher. This is, after all, better than the Olympics.

However, in our case, we are almost always the loser. The professor arrives on the dot. If the professor arrives a little late, he/she may chase after you and tell you to attend class. If the professor is very late, someone is sent to tell you to wait. Not cool!

Let me tell you what's cool though. Another "1/3 of the time rule". My professor has his own biological clock. He never comes to class on time and seldom finishes to the end. You see, this is a 3 hour 1-4pm class. Professor comes in at 1:30pm and ends the class at 2:30pm. I still learned a lot. AMAZING! This IS better than the Olympics. :)